Executive Coaching

We define coaching as boosting the personal characteristics and potential of individuals which, in their personal, social and professional capacities, influence specific aspects of both their relationships and their work.

Managers are frequently so focused on achieving their targets that they forget to consciously recognise their true strengths and potential and, as a consequence, fail to learn how to use them productively. When success is measured solely in terms of numbers and human needs are neglected, this leads, at all levels, to a lack of enthusiasm and motivation.

Unfortunately, managers often lack an experienced and neutral person they can trust and with whom they can discuss their management problems and business challenges. The higher a manager rises in the hierarchy, the less candid feedback he receives, even though in leading positions this would be particularly relevant.

Our range of services is also aimed at highly motivated employees who seek leadership positions and need advice in career planning.

Our target group is aimed at managers (and aspiring managers) who are looking for support in the following areas:

  • Personal career planning,

  • Resolving conflicts with employees, supervisors, and business partners,

  • Increasing the productivity and performance of employees through motivation,

  • Candid feedback on the quality of their own leadership by a neutral, outside party,

  • Coping with an ever increasing workload (work-life balance),

  • Burnout prevention.

We help to work through problems, opening up new perspectives and developing new skills.